Easily learn to use stats in your business to grow. 📊
Accelerate your business growth by learning how to use data. This course will help you more easily understand the market, improve your client presentations, and increase your conversion rate with clients.
Rated 9.84 out of 10 for value to their business by 100+ Realtors.
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Go from spinning your wheels 😖 to creating client action. 😁
Get instant access for $99
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What's Included
- 📺 6 video lessons with instant access inside of your online member's area.
- 📝 Companion PDF guidebook so you can follow along and take notes as you go.
- ♾️ Lifetime Access to the course so you can revisit as much as you'd like
- ⏰ 1 Hour, 8 minutes, and 2 seconds of material that allows you to pick up where you left off
What You'll Learn
- What data is and why it's important to use within your business
- Specifics on what to say when asked "how's the market?"
- How consumers make decisions and how data fits at each state of the process
- A framework for moving clients through the buying/selling process
- How to guide your clients through the process so that you're set up for referrals and repeat clients
- Where to find resources that provide data to use within your business
- How to pull your own stats to use with buyers and sellers to increase your conversion rate
How You'll Benefit
- Stand out of the crowd of Realtors
- Boost your confidence when talking to clients
- Raise your price points by speaking the same language as luxury clients
- Increase your conversion rate by handling objections successfully
- Generate more business through more powerful conversations
- Strengthen your buyer and seller consultations to win more opportunities
- Gain more control of the transaction by using objective data
Course Results